Face the economic and ecological sustainability challenges thanks to Barena

We work and collaborate daily with our clients to offer them the best possible service. Beyond the effectiveness of our technology on the quality and profiles of their wines, we allow them to better manage their barrel fleet and therefore significantly reduce their costs, both economically and ecologically.

The evolution of wine production processes is gradually becoming an imperative for wineries. The health and economic situation we are experiencing has unfortunately accelerated this phenomenon even further. Thanks to our barrel regeneration method, more than 400 wineries throughout Spain, France, New Zealand and Australia have benefited from greater flexibility and durability for their barrel parks. It has enabled them to reduce their costs and save jobs and activities, while improving the quality of their wine.
We stand and stand by all our customers to ensure the best possible support in these difficult times. And we will not stop there.

Behind the pandemic crisis lies another great generational challenge: the ecological crisis.
To face it, we must adapt our consumption habits but also our production methods. This also applies to wine. It is not always true that this change in habits implies greater costs. Our technology is a perfect example of the opposite.
Barena® allows its customers to reduce their costs and at the same time reduce their environmental footprint, immediately. Better management of barrel farms has an exponential positive environmental impact as you move up the production line.

Our entire team is ready to help you maximise your profitability and reduce your environmental impact – take action, contact us!